These days, we almost heard about terror over this world. People are frightened by bomb terror, sabotage, and many crimes link to support funds for terrorists. We had dark memory about 9/11 attack, bomb on Bali I and II, and subway train station bombing in Madrid. The terrorist didn't encourage the rights of human being. They just do the actions that very right for them. On behalf of what they do believe, the way of life and
"domino's affect" that lied in inside their social enteraction, terror os the one truth to make the others, whon was attacked and victimized, "hear" what they want.
Simple way to describe, this is daily relation we made. What can happen when you don't pay attention to people who is talking to you? It must be unpleasant feelings feed them. If we decreased attention, the unpleasant feelings could be an anger. What next happened in their less ability to face it out? They are going to make you encourage, not only talking but more about their exist. Even if we tried to go back at the beginning, with efforts against their interaction way, we already in war with them.
What do they really want inside terror? It's absolutely nothing due to the same wants with all people's in this world. Happy family, good education, enough money, social life, etc. Always interest of the leadership in every single terrorists movement that who didn't know to precise this life certainly. There is no brave to encourage way of life and goodness inside other people. Berely, the true way of life is their own only. Now we see, that is communication matters with all complimentary: talking, attention, and commitment.
We don't compromised with terror behavior, but as a social life we have to know each other. Encourage the good inside and merely undertaken those behavior to be better. Despite our goodness by striving to take understanding more than they do. We contempt most on question, "why this continuous happened?". There are economic, social, and politic's reasons. Leadership of terrorist movement, particularly in developed country, always fights for three reasons prior to deceived opinion they had taken for years.
They had intended to be in conducive circumstances for growing up their movement. The numb or apathetic peoples on reality, but no prospective mind, are very possible to be their parts. We knew the politics has had the oppositional site, economic with incompatible parts, and social by missed-communication affairs. They even injured their understanding about politic, economy, and social indeed. How they established their politic views if they don't know how to be polite? How can run economy if not encourage the priceless of human life? How they claimed good social if they were in affectation?
It's good to review a "Swordfish"
by John Travolta. In preserve plots, beginning with negotiation, about this, "Anyone who impinges on our freedom? Terrorists. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a place, we bomb theirs 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute our peoples, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack us". At later of Swordfish, we watched that the operation had succeed right to bull's eye. Meanwhile we remember a a Latin adage, "si vis pacem, para bellum", is translated as, "if you wish for peace , prepare for war". So, let's decide with heart, debate or swordfish?.
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